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In this column substantial use of codes is made to compress information to avoid distortion of the overall shape of the table.
Where practicable, the information is shown in the order that follows:
1. Any information on wartime role not defined by rank, e.g. Pilot, Observer, Commando, etc
gz:<date, ref>details of London /Edinburgh Gazette entry for awards
sv:<dates>details of service length mainly for regulars signed up before the conflict
2. Birth information in the format b:<date><place>
3. Information on death
kia:<place> the location where the subject was killed in action
dow:<place> the location where the subject died of wounds
kit:<place> describes the location where the subject was killed in training
lia:<description> the circumstances under which the ship on which the subject was serving was lost/damaged
at:<place/address> location of the event causing the casualty (normally civilians/home service personnel lost through bombing)
4. Parental family information, including:
Father - f:<name> may be followed by of <town> if only town known
Mother - m:<name> may be followed by of <town> if only town known - note <name> will show maiden surname if known
Parental Address - ap:<address>
5. Siblings - note that these are normally only shown where the sibling was also a casualty or was identified in records as Next of Kin
Brother - br:<name> d <year of death> <place>
Sister- ss:<name> d <year of death> or nok
6. Marital family information
Wife - w:<name>
Marriage - =: <date of wedding> <place of wedding
Children - note that these are normally only shown where the child was also a casualty
- son s:<name> may be followed by d <year of death>
daughter d:<name> may be followed by d <year of death>
Family address - af:<address
7. Other Information
n:<place> denotes recorded as a native of a place
e:<place> denotes recorded place of enlistment
Where several casualties occurred because of the same event, e.g. a house bombing, these are shown by (also died) rather than d <year>
v1.2 19 September 2018