This page shows the detail held in the Hawick registers for Scoons, where possible listed against the location shown for the father.
There are a number of cases where I have combined entries. These combinations come from cases where events appear twice in the Hawick registers. It is possible that parishioners in the Branxholm area worshipped locally and that events recorded there were copied later into the main Hawick register, but I have been unable to get this confirmed.
Amendments appear to some entries referring to the Scoons at Branxholmtown . I have shown these in their amended form and noted how I have dealt with discrepancies in 'combined' cases. Please note that a few of these involve an element of personal interpretation and you are advised to review the original records before using them in your own tree.
Standards used: dates in DD/MM/YYYY format; '?' following a name indicates doubt about my interpretation; '??' indicates undecipherable word/name; '--' means blank space left on register, e.g. where space has been left for an unknown given name; spellings left as original
18/05/1747 Mary bp to John Scoon in Branxhome, wits Robert Scoon tenent, John Wilson carrier (789/20/114)
27/05/1688 Patrick bp to Patrick Scoon in Branxholmtonn and Bessie Eliot,
wits Robert Wright, John Stuart (789/10/188)
11/02/1711 Patrick Scoon in Branxholmtonn and Agnes
Eliott in ye parish of Robertonn were married February 1711 at Robertonn
10/12/1712 John bp to Robert Scoon tenent in Branxholmtonn and Agnes Eliott,
wits Gideon Scott of Falnash, Robert Thomson of Newmilne (combination of
789/10/242 & 789/10/343)
23/08/1713 John bp to Robert Scoon tenent in Branxholmtonn and Agnes Eliott,
wits John Goodfellow Southside, Andrew Riddell of Goldilands/William Scott
(combination of 789/10/255 and 789/10/351) (Amendment: the entry in 789/10/255
originally showed Walter as the father - this has been heavily overwritten
to read Robert and Agnes's name has been added. No such amendment was made
to 789/10/351, but I feel that it has to refer to the same event)
02/03/1715 Walter bp to Robert Scoon tenent in Branxholmtonn, wits James
Crow and William Scott tenents there (combination of 789/10/258 and 789/10/358)
20/12/1717 Walter Scoon in Branxholmtonn and Isobel Millar servitrix to Thomas
Shiel in Todshahill in the parish of Robertonn were married (789/30/25)
30/09/1718 John bp to Walter Scoon tenent in Branxholmtoon and Isobel Millar
29/02/1720 Margaret bp to Walter Scoon tenent in Branxholmtonn and Isobell
Millar, wits William Scott and James Crow tenents in Branxholmtonn (789/10/380)
30/05/1720 Robert bp to Robert Scoon tenent in Branxholmtonn, wits James
Crow and Walter Crow in Branxholmtonn (789/10/381)
25/02/1722 William bp to Robert Scoon tenent in Branxholmtonn and Agnes Elliot,
wits Adam Elliot merchant, John Scott (789/10/388)
23/12/1722 Helen Scoon bp to Walter Scoon tenent in Branxholmtown wife Isobell
Miller, wits Thomas Shiel in Todshahill, James Dalglies (789/10/390)
26/08/1724 James bp to Robert Scoon and Agnes Elliot, wit John Crow, Jas
Crow (combination of 789/10/397 & 789/20/8)
20/06/1726 Marie bp to Robert Scon (sic) in Branxhomton. Wits
James Craw, Walter Scoon. (789/20/12)
18/05/1747 Mary bp to Johne Scoon in Branx. Wit Robert Scoon Tenant, John
Wilson Carrier (789/20/114)
22/12/1759 Walter bp to Robert Scoon Branxholmtonn and Janet
Burton, wits Thomas C??, Walter Cook (789/120/28)
11/05/1714 Walter illeg bp to Walter Scoon and Helen Scott in Commonside,
wits Robert Scott carrier, James Scott smith both in Branxholmtonn
(combination of 789/10/259 & 789/10/355)
17/03/1720 Walter Scoon and Agnes Falside (daughter to Thomas Falside) ??
servants to James Grieve tenent in Commonside were married (789/30/28)
30/08/1720 James Scoon b to Walter Scoon and Agnes Falside
07/04/1834 Janet b to Andrew Scoon joiner of Hawick and Margaret Thomson,
bp 20/4/1834 (789/50/175)
01/11/1849 Twins William & Isabella Scoon b to William Scoon, Innkeeper,
and Mary Turnbull bap 21/12/1849 (789/50/566)
18/05/1724 Thomas bp to Walter Scoon and Agnes Faside, wits James Dryden smith, John Riddell miller (combination of 789/10/396 & 789/20/7)
Births with no location specified
05/11/1634 Christian bp to John Scoone and Christian Allan, wits Gavin ??,
Robert Wright (789/10/4)
03/03/1635 Helen bp to James Scoon and Jenet Glendinen, wits Patrick Scoon,
Simon Scoon (789/10/5)
22/04/1641 Helen bp to Patrick Scoon and Jeane Richartson, wits John Hendson,
Alexander Murray (789/10/31)
22/04/1641 Walter bp to Robert Scoon and Janet Eliot, wits William Scot,
Walter Scot (789/10/31)
25/08/1642 Jenet bp to James Scoon and Janet Glendinen, wits William Eliot,
James Eliot (789/10/35)
12/01/1643 Margaret bp to Robert Scoon and Jenet Scot, wits John Scot, Robert
Scot (789/10/31)
11/08/1644 Dones bp to Robert Scoone and Jenet Scot , wits Alexander Martin,
John Crow (789/10/47)
31/03/1646 Helen bp to Robert Scoon and Janet Scot, wits John Nicol, William
Hislop (789/10/52)
24/08/1648 Jenet bp to Robert Scoone and Jenet Scot, wits William Hislop,
William Dickson (789/10/68)
04/07/1649 Walter bp to Robert Scoon and Margaret Scot, wits Robert Scoon
and Walter Hogge (789/10//72)
02/04/1650 Anna bp to Patrick Scoon and Susanna Scot, wits Walter Scot, George
Scot (789/10/76)
13/07/1650 Thomas Scoon bp to Robert Scoon and Margaret Scot, wits John Niccol,
James Niccol (789/10/82)
28/06/1657 James bp to Patrick Scoon and Catherine Laidlaw, wits Andrew Cook,
John Scot (789/10/113)
12/03/1670 John bp to Patrick Scoon and Helen Hope, wits John
Scot, William Ogilvie (789/10/127)
21/10/1672 Unknown bp to Patrick Scoon and -- Hope, wits William Bridges,
John ? (789/10/132)
02/01/1674 Unknown bp to Patrick Scoon and -- Hope, wits Robert Dickson,
James Brown (789/10/133)
22/12/1678 William bp to Patrick Scoon and Helen Hope, wits William Bridges,
John Hardie (789/10/149)
04/09/1680 Jenet bp to Patrick Scoon and Helen Hope, wits Wiliam Bridges,
Adam Ogilvie (789/10/154)
22/10/1683 Walter bp to Patrick Scoon and Bessie Eliot, wits John C??, Patrick
B?? (789/10/165)
27/11/1684 Robert bp to John Scoon and -- Riddell, wits Patrick Scoon and
Adam Ogilvie (789/10/170)
13/03/1685 Helen bp to Patrick Scoon and Bessie Elliot, wits James Hume,
Adam Ogilvie (789/10/175)
14/08/1687 Unknown bp to John Scoon and Margaret Riddell, wits Walter Riddell,
William Riddell (789/10/182)
30/07/1693 James bp to Patrick Scoon, wits James Ogilvie, Andrew Wilson
15/11/1727 Walter bp to Walter Scoon and Agnes Faside, wits Thomas Stoddart,
John Grant
17/03/1729 Twins Robert and Walter bp to Walter Scoon and Isobel Millar,
wits John Wight, William Hoddert (789/20/20)
24/12/1729 Mary bp to Walter Scoon and Agnes Faside, wits Laird of Howlands,
Robert Cook (789/20/24)
13/08/1756 Robert bp to William Scoon and Sara Wintrup, wits Thomas Wintrup
writer, George Scoon (789/20/117)
09/06/1759 Andrew bp to William Scoon and Sara Wintrope, wits Thomas Wintrope
writer, Andew Turnbull mason, senior (789/20/126)
18/12/1761 Agnes bp to William Scoon and Sarah Wintrope, wits Bailie James
Scott, Robert Turnbull weaver (789/20/136)
18/11/1764 Robert bp to George Scoon and Mary Hume, wits Thomas Turnbull
dyer, William Scoon (789/20/146)
03/05/1773 Janet bp to John Scoon and Rachel Riddel, wits Robert Thomson,
William Helm (789/20/180)
31/10/1773 Patrick bp to George Scoon and Mary Hume, wits
William Aitken, George Wilson (789/20/179)
14/04/1776 Walter bp to John Scoon and Rachel Riddel, wits
Robert Scott, James Thomson (789/20/189)
05/10/1779 William bp to John Scoon and Rachel Riddel, wits
James Scott, Robert Thomson? in Newmill (789/20/202)
21/03/1782 Beatrix bp to John Scoon and Rachel Riddel, wits
Walter Bower, Walter Wilson (789/20/210)
20/12/1781 Sarah bp to Robert Scoon and Beatrix Turnbull,
wit William Scott shoemaker, William Brown tobacconist (789/20/218)
31/10/1784 William bp to Robert Scoon and Beatrice Turnbull,
wits Bailie Thomas Turnbull of Hawick, William Scott shoemaker (789/20/219)
14/04/1841 Mary illeg b to John Scoon and Jane Nichol
Marriages with no location specified
08/06/1716 Walter Little servitor to Walter Laing clerk
to ye Duchess of Buccleugh, (and servitor to ye Jo Walter tenent of Park)
and Jenet Scoon daughter to -- Scoon were married June 8th 1716
30/05/1753 Robert Scoon and Janet Hallyburton both in this
parish gave in their names for marriage on the 30th day of May and were married
20/06/1754 Wiliam Scoon and Sarah Wintrup both in this parish
gave up their names for marriage on the 20th day of June and were married
the 12th July (789/30/49)
17/05/1758 Proclamation Robert Scott and Ann Scoon both in
this parish (789/30/57)
14/06/1766 Proclamation Robert Scoon in the parish of Roberton
and Helen Murray in this parish (789/30/72)
23/11/1791 Proclamation James Scott and Janet Scoon both in
this parish 5Sh to the poor (789/30/114)
30/11/1793 Proclamation Peter Young and Janet Scoon both in
this parish (789/30/117)
06/05/1845 Banns John Drydon of this parish and Mary Scoon
in the parish of Cavers (789/60/166)
30/11/1847 Banns for Ann Scoon and Tom Fiddes of Wilton Parish
26/12/1849 Banns for James Riddell and Agnes Scoon of Wilton
Parish (789/60/251)
07/12/1852 Banns for James Cairns and Janet Scoon both in
this parish (789/60/318)
13/11/1854 Proclamation for Joseph Fiddler, spinner, and Anne
Scoon, both in this Parish 17/- (789/60/400)
v1.4 11 Sep 2011