SCOON - SELKIRK OPRs (excluding Roberton)
This page shows the detail held in all the Selkirkshire OPR registers for Scoons (excluding the shared parish of Roberton), where possible listed against the location shown for the father.
Canterhaugh, Selkirk
28/07/1818 James b to John Scoon in Canterhaugh and Margate Scott his spouse; baptised 15th August (778/00/30/408)
Deephope, Ettrick
13/06/1788 May 31st 1788 Francis Leathhead Deephope in this parish and Jean Scoon Chappelhill Parish of Roberton gave up their names for Proclamation in order to Marriage, Andrew Anderson Brochhoperigg their Cautioner. June 13th Being thrice proclaimed were joined in marriage Francis Leathhead and Jean Scoon here in Deephope per the Rev James Hay at Roberton. (774/00/10/245)
East Buccleugh, Ettrick
06/12/1836 November 25th William Scoon, Shepherd East Buccleugh, and Mary Turnbull also thereboth in this parish, gave up their names for proclamation in order to marriage December 6th. Having been thrice proclaimed, were married at Hawick by the Rev Mr Thompson Dissenting Minister (774/00/20/178)
28/11/1837 Walter b to William Scoon, Shepherd, at East Buccleugh and Mary Turnbull his wife; baptised by the Rev Mr Thomson Dissenting Minister at Hawick (778/00/20/88)
04/08/1839 Helen b to William Scoon, Shepherd, at East Buccleugh and Mary Turnbull his wife (778/00/20/96)
14/05/1783 Robert Balantyne in Angleshope and Agnes Scoon in Calcrebank both in this parish gave up their names for proclamation in order to marriage (774/00/10/243)
08/06/1783 Robert Ballantyne in Angleshope and Agnes Scoon his wife had a daughter born on the eight day of June and baptised on the eighteenth day of July named Janet (774/00/10/147)
06/07/1790 Robert Ballantyne and Jean Scoon indwellers in Angleshope had a son born baptised 6 July name Robert (774/00/10/152)
03/04/1794 Robert Ballantyn & Jean Scoon indwellers at Crosslee had a daughter born -- baptized at Crosslee 28th April name Janet (774/00/10/156)
Newark, Selkirk
17/11/1815 Wilhelmina b to John Scoon, servant at Newark and Margaret Scott his spouse; baptised 18 December 1815 (778/00/30/378)
Newhouse, Yarrow
28/04/1844 James b to Robert Scoon, Newhouse, and Mary Nicol his wife (779/00/30/196)
23/05/1718 Robert Dalglish lawful son to Robert Dalglish Merchant Burgess of Selkirk and Margaret Scoon eldest lawful daughter to the deceased Patrick Scoon late Deacon of the Hammermen in Selkirk both in this parish gave up their names to be proclaimed, contracted and married the Eleventh day of July 1718 ??. Cautioner for the man George Rutherford L?? Burgess of Selkirk and for the woman George Anderson Merchant Burgess there. (778/00/10/261)
16/06/1764 Robert Young Miller in Ockwood Mill and Isobel Skoon both in this parish gave up their names to be proclamed in our church in order to their marriage 29 May 1764. William Young in Linthil in the parish of Lilliesleaf Cationer for the Bridgroom and John Skoon Todgahill in the parish of Roberton Cationer for the Bride. They were married June16 1764.
24/01/1785 David Kille Innkeeper in Melrose and Agnes Skoon in this parish gave up their names to be proclamed in our church in order to marriage 1 Jan 1785. George Dun Mason in Selkirk cautioner for the Bridegroom and Thomas Skoon servant to Mr Pringle of ?Hauming for the Bride. They were [married] Jan 24th 1785. (778/00/40/232)
15/02/1788 Robert Scoon in the parish of Roberton and Janet White in this parish gave up their names on 25th January in order to marriage; they were married on February 15th. (778/00/40/244)
v1.7 13 June 2009