

Grid Reference: NC455433

Year Reference Detail Source
1678 (BLAAD) Reay Estate Rent Roll Thomas M'Ky, 40
Neil m'Curchie vic Angus, 4
1793 OPR Robert McKay born in Blaid on 28-Apr-1793 to Robert McKay (tenant) and Elizabeth McKay. Tom McKay Watson Gray and Liz Coles
1808 Marriage 28 Jul 1808, William McKenzie, son of Hugh McKenzie tenant at Blaid, to Margaret McKay OPR/IGI
1809 Durness Militia List David McDonald Cowherd Blaid
William McDonald Cowherd Blaid
Sutherland List (Sue Mackay)
1810 Durness Militia List William McKay Cowherd Blaid Sutherland List (Malcolm Bangor-Jones)
1811 Marriage 28 Feb 1811, David Mackay, herd, Blaid, to Marion McLeod OPR/IGI
1812 Baptism 18 May 1812, Janet, dau to David Mackay, herd and Marion McLeod OPR/IGI
1812 Baptism 26 Nov 1812, Hugh, son to William and Barbara MacKay OPR/IGI
1814 Baptism 19 Dec 1814, Mary, dau to William Mackay, herd OPR/IGI
1818 Marriage Sep 1818, William McKay, herd, Blaid to - McPherson of Strathmore OPR/IGI
1822 Baptism 2 Jun 1822, William, son to John Campbell OPR/IGI
1826 (BLAAD) Baptism Dec 1826, Hughina, dau to William Munro and Ann Mackay OPR/IGI

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v1.9 18 August 2007